Tag: Scott, Richard L

Fixing Social Security and Medicare: Where the Parties Stand

Republicans and Democrats have sharply divergent approaches to repairing the programs. Any solutions will affect younger workers as much as retirees.

Scott Drops Social Security From Plan as G.O.P. Retreats From Entitlement Cuts

The backtracking by the Florida Republican came after bipartisan criticism and signaled how the G.O.P. has pulled away from calls to overhaul the nation’s entitlement programs.

Obamacare Is Everywhere in the Unlikeliest of Places: Miami

A decade after the Affordable Care Act’s federal health insurance marketplace was created, its outsize — and improbable — popularity in South Florida persists.

Republicans Barely Won the House. Now Can They Run It?

A thin margin, ideological differences and competing pressures could make managing the “people’s House” virtually impossible. But the G.O.P. majority, however slim, will still be a challenge for President Biden.