Tag: Police Executive Research Forum

French Police Won Authority to Shoot at Drivers, but Got ‘No Training Whatsoever’

Data showed a spike in fatal shootings like the one that has incited angry protests. Experts say it’s an unintended consequence of a rushed response to terrorism.

French Police Won Authority to Shoot at Drivers, but Got ‘No Training Whatsoever’

Data showed a spike in fatal shootings like the one that has incited angry protests. Experts say it’s an unintended consequence of a rushed response to terrorism.

Video of Memphis Officers Beating Tyre Nichols Elicits Widespread Horror

As public officials and others condemned the actions they viewed, initial reactions from protesters around the country were largely peaceful.

As Applications Fall, Police Departments Lure Recruits With Bonuses and Attention

Many police chiefs say staffing levels have not rebounded from a wave of resignations that started with the pandemic and the 2020 unrest.