Tag: Obama, Barack

How Tucker Carlson Stoked White Fear to Conquer Cable

A string of setbacks made the pundit flee television, the Republican establishment and even his home. He re-emerged with what may be the most racist, and successful, show in the history of cable news.

America’s Road to the Ukraine War

For years, the United States sent mixed signals about its interests in the country. Then Vladimir V. Putin made his move.

Obama Calls for More Oversight of Social Media in Speech at Stanford

Tech companies’ power has “turbocharged” political division and requires government scrutiny, the former president said in a speech at Stanford University.

Barack Obama’s New Role: Fighting Disinformation

The former president has embarked on a campaign to warn that the scourge of online falsehoods has eroded the foundations of democracy.

What Do We Do if Putin Uses Chemical Weapons?

We can’t afford to repeat our mistakes in Syria.