Tag: National League for Democracy (Myanmar)

Myanmar’s Military Regime Disbands Aung San Suu Kyi’s Political Party

The junta has dissolved dozens of opposition parties ahead of the next general election, including the popular National League for Democracy.

Aung San Suu Kyi Found Guilty in Myanmar Ahead of Biden Summit

The elected civilian leader, who was detained in a military coup last year, was sentenced to five years in prison in a corruption trial that was closed to the public.

Aung San Suu Kyi Found Guilty in Myanmar Ahead of Biden Summit

The elected civilian leader, who was detained in a military coup last year, was sentenced to five years in prison in a corruption trial that was closed to the public.

Myanmar Junta Holding 10,000 Political Prisoners

Most are held in deplorable conditions and face certain conviction at trial. Rights groups say the Southeast Asian nation now has the worst human rights conditions in the region.