Tag: Miller, Jason (1975- )

Prosecutors Ask Witnesses Whether Trump Acknowledged He Lost 2020 Race

Jared Kushner was questioned before a federal grand jury as prosecutors appeared to be trying to establish if the former president knew his efforts to stay in power were built on a lie.

Jan. 6 Panel Calls Gingrich to Testify, Saying He Had Role in Trump Plot

In a letter to the former House speaker, the select committee said the Georgia Republican had deliberately incited anger among voters with false claims of election fraud.

The Fractious Night That Began Trump’s Bid to Overturn the Election

Donald J. Trump’s advisers urged him not to declare victory on election night in 2020. He listened to the one who told him what he wanted to hear.

Jan. 6 Hearings Focus on Fox News Call That Made Trump’s Loss Clear

At Fox News, there was little drama over the decision to project Joseph R. Biden the winner of Arizona. But the relationship between Trump and the network was never the same.

Elon Musk, After Toying With Twitter, Now Wants It All

The billionaire executive recently became one of the company’s largest shareholders. Now he says he wants to buy the whole thing and change how it handles speech.