Tag: McCormick, David H (1965- )

How Kari Lake’s Tactical Retreat on Abortion Could Point the Way for the GOP

Kari Lake, along with other Republicans in battleground states, has come out against a national ban as candidates try to attract general election voters. Anti-abortion activists aren’t pleased.

David McCormick Is Set to Announce Republican Senate Bid in Pennsylvania

Brutal primary fights weakened the party’s nominees in several states last year. Now, as David McCormick runs again for Senate in the battleground state, he appears to have cleared the field.

Hedge Fund Billionaire Gets Billions More to Retire

Bridgewater’s founder, Ray Dalio, retired last year after months of negotiations that guaranteed him a gigantic exit package.

Fetterman’s Heart Issues Add Wild Card to Key Pennsylvania Senate Race

Part of John Fetterman’s appeal as the Democratic Senate nominee has stemmed from his brash sense of vitality. It’s not clear if his recent stroke and absence from the trail will affect that.