Tag: Laxalt, Adam

What Went Wrong for Ron DeSantis

The Florida governor entered the year flush with cash and momentum. In the months since, internal chaos and Donald Trump’s indictments have sapped even his most avid supporters.

DeSantis Super PAC Suffers Another Big Staff Loss, This Time Its Chairman

The departure of Adam Laxalt, a longtime friend of the Florida governor, is the latest shake-up inside Never Back Down as it faces questions over the group’s strategy and spending.

How Ron DeSantis Joined the ‘Ruling Class’ — and Turned Against It

Over the years, Mr. DeSantis embraced and exploited his Ivy League credentials. Now he is reframing his experiences at Yale and Harvard to wage a vengeful political war.

DeSantis Takes Clear Aim at Trump in Nevada, an Important Early State

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida avoided mentioning Donald Trump at a G.O.P. fund-raiser in Nevada, but he took clear aim at the former president.

How Cortez Masto Beat the Odds and Sealed the Senate Majority

The most endangered Senate Democrat portrayed her Republican opponent as an election-denying extremist, defying national headwinds in a race that stayed tight until the end.