Deal Is Reached to Keep Colorado River From Going Dry, for Now The agreement on cuts, aided by a wet winter and $1.2 billion in federal payments, expires at the end of 2026.
Why Many Hawaiians Are Making Las Vegas Their Home The scenery can’t compare. So why are Hawaiians increasingly moving there?
Before Western States Suck the Colorado River Dry, We Have One Last Chance to Act The Interior Department must now take charge of the negotiation and get the parties to consensus.
White House Proposes Evenly Cutting Water Allotments from Colorado River As the river shrinks, the Biden administration is getting ready to impose, for the first time, reductions in water supplies to states.
As the Colorado River Shrinks, Washington Prepares to Spread the Pain The seven states that rely on the river for water are not expected to reach a deal on cuts. It appears the Biden administration will have to impose reductions.