Tag: Haines, Avril D

Biden Elevates C.I.A. Director to Become a Member of the Cabinet

William J. Burns, a veteran diplomat, has played a key role in the Biden administration’s efforts to thwart the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Warn of China’s Efforts to Expand Its Power

China sees a partnership with Russia as a way to challenge, and potentially weaken, the United States, a new threat assessment said.

Lab Leak Most Likely Caused Pandemic, Energy Dept. Says, as Spy Agencies Remain Split

The conclusion, which was made with “low confidence,” was based on new intelligence. The information didn’t lead other agencies to change their assessments on the origins of the coronavirus.

Intelligence Officials Will Assess Security Risks From Mar-a-Lago Documents

The director of national intelligence told lawmakers that her office would lead a review concerning the sensitive documents retrieved from former President Donald J. Trump’s Florida residence.

Economic Toll of Russia’s War in Ukraine Tests Western Solidarity

Russia’s president is calculating that Western leaders will tire before he does of a protracted struggle in Ukraine, especially if the price is turbocharged inflation and energy shortages.