In India, There’s an App for Everything. Even Dream Babies. Startups big and small are adding a modern touch to the ancient practice of instilling Hindu values starting in the womb.
India, the World’s Biggest Democracy, Is Jettisoning Freedom and Tolerance The soul of a majestic nation is at stake.
India Bridge Offered Respite to Migrants, Before Taking Their Lives Cash compensation for victims’ families will do little to make up for the life, and economic hope, of migrants among the 134 killed in India.
How a Festive Stroll Over a Historic Bridge Turned to Carnage in India After the deaths of at least 140 pedestrians, the country is asking why its infrastructure has failed so calamitously once again.
Dozens Dead in India as Suspension Bridge Collapses The bridge, in the state of Gujarat, was reopened recently after renovation.