Tag: Greene, Marjorie Taylor (1974- )

Trump May Not Need a Coup This Time

The new Times/Siena poll is to Biden’s second-term ambitions what sunlight is to morning fog.

Progressive Freshmen Toil to Find Their Footing in a Hard-Right House

Stymied on legislation and far from the ideological base of power in the Republican-led House, Representative Becca Balint of Vermont and her fellow liberal freshmen look to one another for support.

With Proposed Censures and Expulsion, House Faces an Agenda of Recrimination

Back to legislative work after the Republican speaker saga that stalled business for nearly a month, lawmakers will begin with a raft of disciplinary actions.

Steve Bannon Helped Stoke the McCarthy Ouster, Boosting Gaetz and Rebels

The former Trump adviser has helped create the spectacle of G.O.P. dysfunction, using it to build his own following and those of the right-wing House rebels who took down Kevin McCarthy.

House Votes to Strip Defense Secretary of Salary as Right Wing Flexes Muscles

Little more than three days before a government shutdown, the Republican-led House spent the day adding hard-right proposals to a series of doomed spending bills.