How to Watch the Golden Globes 2024: Date, Time, Streaming Hollywood usually looks to the annual awards as a party, but this year they also have an unlikely mission: A bid for relevance.
In 2023, Movie Audiences Wanted Comfort, Not Superhero Spectacle Movie audiences flocked to Taylor Swift, “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” but were cooler toward returning superheroes like the Flash, Captain Marvel and Aquaman.
Mattel’s Windfall From ‘Barbie’ Goes Far Beyond Dolls The company’s approach has paid off to a degree that even the C.E.O. could hardly have believed possible.
Why Barbie and Ken Need Each Other For women maybe first, and for men too, eventually, less wedlock means more woe.
Why the Indigo Girls Are So Popular Right Now Why everyone is listening to a lesbian folk-rock duo from the early 1990s all of a sudden.