Tag: El Salvador

Elections in Ecuador and Guatemala: Four Takeaways

Outsiders overperformed, underscoring the volatility of Latin American politics. Candidates calling to emulate El Salvador’s crackdown on crime did not do well.

Ecuador Reels From Assassination of Fernando Villavicencio

The killing of Fernando Villavicencio marks a grim turning point for a once-tranquil country now awash in violence fueled by drug gangs.

Number of Migrants Crossing U.S. Southern Border Is Down. But for How Long?

Officials say the lull after nearly two years of increased crossings is not going to last.

El Salvador Decimated Its Ruthless Gangs. But at What Cost?

In the year since El Salvador declared a state of emergency, the government has delivered a stunning blow to the gangs that were once the ultimate authority in much of the country.

El Salvador diezmó a sus violentas pandillas, ¿a qué costo?

En el año que ha transcurrido desde que El Salvador declaró un estado de emergencia, el gobierno le ha propinado un golpe demoledor a las pandillas que solían ser la máxima autoridad en gran parte del país.