Exactly How Much Life is on Earth? According to a new study, living cells outnumber stars in the universe, highlighting the deep, underrated link between geophysics and biology.
You Really Are a Tick Magnet By studying how the arachnids respond to static electricity, researchers may have found a new reason to dread the bloodsucking creatures.
Cockatoos Know How to Pick the Right Tools for the Job The job, in these experiments, was getting a cashew out of a puzzle box.
Dolphins Can Shout Underwater, but It’s Never Loud Enough Researchers found that dolphins confronted with noise increase the volume and duration of their calls to one another but struggle to cooperate.
How Genital Stingers Give Male Wasps Some Sexual Equality A study that involved giving frogs an unpleasant snack has shown that male wasps really can defend themselves with jabs from their genitalia.