Tag: Cultural Revolution

China to Its People: Spies Are Everywhere, Help Us Catch Them

As Beijing tries to enlist the “whole of society” to guard against foreign enemies, the line between vigilance and paranoia fades.

She Witnessed Mao’s Worst Excesses. Now She Has a Warning for the World.

At 93, the memoirist Yuan-tsung Chen hopes that her recollections of China’s tumultuous past will help the country confront its historical wrongs — and avoid repeating them.

Jenny Xie Explores the Subversive Power of the Concealed and the Overlooked

In her new poetry collection, “The Rupture Tense,” Xie peeks at the past — her family’s, and China’s — to examine the consequences of “how we see, what we see, and also what we allow to remain unseen.”