The measure was proposed in response to a New York Times investigation that revealed widespread use of such punishment in Hasidic Jewish private schools.
The proposals from state legislators come in response to a New York Times investigation that reported the use of slaps and kicks to keep order in some Hasidic Jewish schools.
Amid calls for intervention, the state Board of Regents is set to vote this week on new rules for holding private schools to minimum academic standards.
די חסידישע מוסדות אין ניו יארק האבן גענאסן פון 1 ביליאן דאלאר אין רעגירונגס געלטער דורכאויס די לעצטע פיר יאר אבער מוזן קיינעם נישט אפגעבן קיין דין וחשבון וואס מען לערנט ביי זיי
New York’s Hasidic Jewish religious schools have benefited from $1 billion in government funding in the last four years but are unaccountable to outside oversight.