Tag: Concussions

Army’s Blast Safety Limit May Miss Risks From Powerful Weapons Like Tanks

Researchers say troops’ brains may be injured by blasts from firing M1 Abrams tank guns and other weapons, even if they measure below the Pentagon’s ceiling for safe exposure.

U.S. Troops Still Train on Weapons With Known Risk of Brain Injury

Pentagon researchers say weapons like shoulder-fired rockets expose troops who fire them to blast waves far above safety limits, but they remain in wide use.

A Secret War, Strange New Wounds and Silence From the Pentagon

Many U.S. troops who fired vast numbers of artillery rounds against the Islamic State developed mysterious, life-shattering mental and physical problems. But the military struggled to understand what was wrong.

A Former Hockey Enforcer Searches for Answers on C.T.E. Before It’s Too Late

Chris Nilan fought more than 300 times during a pro hockey career, then had years of addiction and anger problems. A high-risk candidate for chronic traumatic encephalopathy, Nilan is being studied by Boston University.