Banks Should Have Better Customer Relations When Closing an Account When banks close checking and credit-card accounts because of “suspicious activity,” chaos and anxiety ensue. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Citi Executive Sues the Bank Over Sexual Harassment Ardith Lindsey, a managing director, is accusing the bank of tolerating a culture in which managers sexually harassed her.
Microsoft and Alphabet Face an Investor Test on AI Microsoft and Alphabet will report results on Tuesday, as investors look for signs that a rally in stocks tied to artificial intelligence is justified.
China’s Economy is Slowing, Posing a Challenge for Global Growth New data published on Monday shows a post-pandemic recovery has not materialized after restrictions were lifted last year.
In China, It’s Time to Splurge Again, and the Luxury Industry Is Relieved The end of pandemic-era restrictions has unleashed a luxury spending rebound in China. Which Western brands are coming out on top?