Tag: Center for Strategic and International Studies

Kill and Be Killed: Ukraine’s Bloody Battlefield Equation

The dynamics of Europe’s deadliest war in generations remain exceedingly violent and increasingly complicated by factors far from the battlefield.

Schumer Lays Out Process to Tackle A.I., Without Endorsing Specific Plans

The Senate majority leader hopes to give lawmakers a crash course in a technology many say they do not understand as a way to build bipartisan support for regulation.

The Nonstop Work of Ukrainian Air Defenses: ‘We Have No Days Off’

Russian air attacks on Kyiv have come in relentless waves. Yet very little has penetrated the patched-together but increasingly sophisticated air defense network. Here’s why.

Can America Really Envision World War III?

As the last generation that remembers full-scale global war is disappearing, the United States may be stumbling into a catastrophe.