Tag: Center for American Progress

On the Economy, Biden Struggles to Convince Voters of His Success

Wages are up, inflation has slowed and the White House has a new slogan. Still, President Biden’s poor marks on the economy are making Democratic worried.

Democrats and Republicans Agree on One Thing: Democracy Is in Danger

But the disagreement on who is the threat presents a challenge to President Biden in his 2020 campaign vow to unite a deeply divided nation.

John Podesta to Oversee $370 Billion in U.S. Climate Spending

Mr. Podesta, a Democratic stalwart, will oversee $370 billion in clean energy investments. Gina McCarthy, the president’s domestic climate adviser, is stepping down.

Climate Rallies Planned for White House and Across U.S.

‘Fight for Our Future’ rallies are planned Saturday for Washington, Atlanta, Phoenix and elsewhere as supporters say time is running out for ambitious climate action.