Tag: Biaggi, Alessandra

In N.Y. Primaries, a Fight for the Democratic Party’s Future

The party’s more moderate establishment declared victory, but a closer look reveals the battle for the soul of the party will grind on.

New York: How to Vote, Where to Vote and Candidates on the Ballot

Primaries for Congress and State Senate were pushed back to August because of redistricting woes. Here’s what to know.

The New York Primary Being Watched by A.O.C., Pelosi and the Clintons

Big Democratic names have lined up on both sides of the heated battle between Representative Sean Patrick Maloney and his progressive challenger, State Senator Alessandra Biaggi.

The Vanishing Moderate Democrat

Their positions are popular. So why are they going extinct?

Ocasio-Cortez Turns a New York Brawl into a National Democratic Proxy Battle

By endorsing her colleague’s primary challenger, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has escalated a skirmish rippling beyond New York.