Tag: Academic Freedom

Universities Are Failing at Inclusion

Instead of being places where students learn other points of view, American universities have become ideological war zones.

Hunter College Pulls Screening of Film Critical of Israel

The cancellation of a showing this week of the documentary “Israelism” caused a backlash from the college’s Senate, which called it a violation of academic freedom.

Behind the Donor Revolt at Penn

Some alumni want the president to resign. They are angry about a Palestinian conference and Penn’s response to the Hamas attacks — as well as D.E.I. and transgender rights.

Professor Who Was Banned from Campus Sues SUNY Fredonia

Stephen Kershnar, who teaches philosophy, is suing for the right to return to SUNY at Fredonia. The university defends its ban as necessary for safety.

Professor Who Was Banned from Campus Sues SUNY Fredonia

Stephen Kershnar, who teaches philosophy, is suing for the right to return to SUNY at Fredonia. The university defends its ban as necessary for safety.