Winston Choi-Schagrin
What Do Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much.
Around the United States, middle school science standards have minimal references to climate change and teachers on average spend just a few hours a year...
Satellite Photos Show Lake Mead Water Levels Dangerously Low
New satellite images of the reservoir, a critical source of water for 25 million people, reveal dangerously low water levels.
Fin Whales Are Making a Comeback in Antarctic Waters, a Study Finds
Once hunted to the brink of extinction, fin whales in the Southern Ocean have rebounded and returned to their historic feeding grounds, according to a...
California Requires Plastics Makers to Foot the Bill for Recycling
The landmark legislation also restricts single-use plastics. Because California’s economy is so big, experts say, the law could have far-reaching effects.
Tell Us About Your Bills From a Hurricane or Flood
As we explore how extreme weather and the climate crisis are affecting Americans, you can help us by detailing what you’ve faced in home repairs...
Effects of Climate Change on Tornadoes: What We Know
Scientists have been able to draw links between a warming planet and hurricanes, heat waves and droughts, but the same can’t be said for tornadoes...