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Why Revel Shut Down Its Moped Service in New York

Revel’s ridership has declined steeply amid safety concerns and growing competition from Citi Bike and personal e-bikes and mopeds.

A Dazzling Art Collection, Hiding in Plain Sight

New York City’s sprawling public health care system contains one of the largest public art collections in the country.

E-Bike Trade-In Program Would Aim to Prevent Fires in NYC

The City Council is expected to approve a multi-million-dollar city program to try to get unsafe e-bikes and batteries off the streets.

E-Bikes in NYC: What to Know About Fires, Safety and a New Law

Next month, a new city law will ban the sale of e-bikes and e-scooters that have not been certified for safety.

New York Public Library’s Midtown Branch Adds a Cafe and Visitor Center

Behind the stone lions on Fifth Avenue, the New York Public Library’s imposing Fifth Avenue branch has added a new visitor center and an expanded...

Public Package Lockers Are Coming to New York City’s Sidewalks

The lockers, which will be free to use, will be placed at 15 sites around the city in an effort to reduce truck traffic and...

Fire Dept. Targets E-Bike Shops in Crackdown on Battery Hazards

A Manhattan shop was closed after inspectors found more than 100 lithium-ion batteries inside.

How E-Bike Battery Fires Became a Deadly Crisis in New York City

City leaders are racing to regulate battery-powered mobility devices, which have been the source of over 100 fires so far this year.

How These Budding Entrepreneurs Won $20,000 for Their Start-Ups

A new competition encourages New Yorkers who live in public housing to pursue their own businesses.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard Has Become a Lab for Planet-Saving Tech

Once a building ground for battleships, the site is a city-within-a-city where companies can test their solutions for a greener future.
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