The Ezra Klein Show

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  • The Ezra Klein Show


This Book Changed My Relationship to Pain

The pain psychologist Rachel Zoffness explains how pain is a “biopsychosocial phenomenon” — and how we can better treat it as such.

A Revelatory Tour of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Forgotten Teachings

The political theorist Brandon Terry explores the nonviolent philosophy of Dr. King.

Dan Savage on Where the Sexual Revolution Went Wrong

The advice columnist discusses how dating, sex and relationships have changed over the past 30 years — and where they should go next.

What I’m Thinking About at the End of 2022

Ezra Klein responds to listeners’ questions.

Time Is Way Weirder Than You Think

The neuroscientist Dean Buonomano talks expansively about time — what it is and all the ways humans perceive its passing.

Three Signals We’ve Entered a New Economic Era

The economist Mohamed El-Erian on how the global economy is changing and what policymakers should do about it.

A Conservative’s Take on the Chaotic State of the Republican Party

National Review writer Michael Brendan Dougherty talks about the ‘vacuum of authority’ the G.O.P. must face.

I Don’t Quite Buy the DeSantis Narrative, and Other Midterm Thoughts

Ezra Klein and Aaron Retica discuss how Democrats dodged a midterm wipeout.

A Powerful Theory of Why the Far Right Is Thriving Across the Globe

The political scientist Pippa Norris explains how a ‘silent revolution in values’ is fueling the global rise of the right.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Trump Enabler

The journalist Mark Leibovich details the story behind the “sycophants” who bowed to the ex-president.
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