Spencer Bokat-Lindell

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  • Spencer Bokat-Lindell


Can Democrats Avoid a Midterm Wipeout?

The upcoming election season might be more competitive than predicted.

Is the Supreme Court Facing a Legitimacy Crisis?

Warnings of the court’s declining credibility are hardly new, but after Roe’s fall, they’ve intensified and moved well beyond the bench.

After the Jan. 6 Hearings, Will Trump Face Criminal Charges?

Some lawyers and Congress members see the hearings as a road map for the Department of Justice to prosecute Trump.

After the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Trial, Is #MeToo Dead?

Nearly five years later, some have concluded that the forces of backlash have won.

The Covid Pandemic Still Isn’t Over. So What Now?

Reinfection may become the norm even for people who have received several vaccine doses.

If Roe Goes, Will the Right to Birth Control Be Next?

Democrats are warning that Roe’s fall could threaten a wide range of privacy rights — including the right to birth control.

For Peace in Ukraine, Is the Only Way More War?

Western countries are flooding Ukraine with weapons. Can they help end the assault, or will they just make it bloodier?

Will Elon Musk Save Twitter or Destroy It?

Musk says he wants to transform Twitter into “the platform for free speech around the globe.” The reality could look very different.

Is Biden’s Immigration Reform Too Little Too Late?

How much of the blame does he deserve, and how much more can he do?

To Stop Inflation, Will We Need to Engineer a Recession?

Raising interest rates will pour cold water on an economy many believe is overheated — but at the risk of triggering a downturn.
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