Sam Jones

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  • Sam Jones


You May Have This Blobby Animal to Thank for Your Nervous System

Researchers propose that placozoans, one of the simplest kinds of animals, may contain the blueprint for the neurons of more complex creatures.

Who’s Using Vocal Fry in the Ocean? Dolphins and Whaaaaales.

Be right back, diving for a giant squiiiiiid.

10 Mummified Crocodiles Emerge From an Egyptian Tomb

Found beneath an ancient dump, the mummies shed light on ancient Egyptian mummification practices and the many lives of a necropolis.

What Should You Do When the Bear Is Cinnamon?

Scientists have uncovered a genetic mutation that makes it dangerously difficult to distinguish a black bear from a grizzly.

This Acrobatic Hunting Trick Is Straight Out of the Spider-Verse

A small Australian spider uses a Cirque du Soleil-worthy tactic to prey on fierce ants.

Sneeze by Sneeze, Sponges Fill the Seas With Their Mucus

You might be tempted to say “gesundheit,” but the sea creature’s snot helps feed other marine organisms.
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