Should Joe Manchin Run for President?
If current polling holds, it’s not running an alternative to Biden that seems most likely to put Trump back in the presidency.
The Israel-Hamas War Will Reshape Western Politics
Some ideological trends and tendencies worth watching.
Why We Should Fear China More Than Middle Eastern War
A war over Taiwan could end in an outright U.S. loss.
How Israel’s 9/11 Tests American Grand Strategy
The crisis in the Holy Land must be analyzed in terms of great power politics and the pressure we face from broadly aligned rivals.
The Pope Francis Era Has Made the Extraordinary Feel Normal in the Catholic Church
The battles in the Francis era are remarkable but repetitive.
How Gerontocracy Explains the Matt Gaetz Clown Show
Chaotic debates over fiscal policy are part of what you get when a democracy becomes a gerontocracy.
Why Non-Trump Republicans Must Join Or Die. (They’ll Probably Still Die.)
It may be hopeless, but DeSantis, Haley and others need a post-Iowa plan.
The Permanent Migration Crisis
What’s changed for formerly welcoming cities are the sheer numbers involved.
Is ‘Peak Woke’ Behind Us or Ahead?
What ideological policing looks like now and perhaps in the future.
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