Rachel Fairbank

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  • Rachel Fairbank


A 20-Minute Boxing Workout to Build Strength and Endurance

One short workout can help you build fitness, achieve better balance and even ward off injuries. No punching bag needed.

You Can Do This 10-Minute Workout at Home With No Equipment

Build strength and mobility anywhere, anytime.

How to Salvage a Workout After a Bad Night of Sleep

The key to enjoying exercise after a fitful slumber is to start early and keep it simple.

New Study Strengthens the Link Between Exercise and Memory

Experts have long known that fitness is good for the brain. A recent paper connects different types of workouts with assorted improvements in memory.

Why Does a Long Run Send Me Running to the Restroom?

Runner’s gut — which can include cramping, nausea and a sudden urge to “go” — can plague many runners during intense exercise. Here’s why, and...

Speeding Up Your Daily Walk Could Have Big Benefits

In the largest study to incorporate activity tracker data, picking up the pace paid dividends for long-term health.

How to Prevent Common Exercise Injuries

Here are the four exercises you’re most at risk of doing wrong — and what can keep you safe.

Is Barefoot Weight Lifting Safe?

This strength training practice can fortify your feet, but experts warn that it’s not without risk.

Cardio and Strength Training May Help You Live Longer, Study Says

A consensus is building among experts that both strength training and cardio‌ are important for longevity.

What Types of Exercise Do You Need to Reduce Dementia Risk?

Several large studies have confirmed that vigorous exercise, walking and even doing household chores can greatly benefit the brain.
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