Patti Davis

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  • Patti Davis


Sandra Day O’Connor’s Barrier-Breaking Marriage

She showed her love for John in a way that neither of them could have envisioned.

Matthew Perry and the Loneliness of Addiction

He was a brilliant performer, but his honesty will be his greatest legacy.

Behind Dianne Feinstein’s Headlines Lies Another, Untold Story

The caregiving journey always feels like a pilgrim’s path, lonely and strange.

What If We Just Ignore Donald Trump

My father’s advice on how to deal with bullies would work great on Donald Trump.

When a Private Loss Requires Public Grief

To mourn in public is to feel judged but supported, too.

My Father, Ronald Reagan, Taught Me a Healthy Fear of Guns

There are people in America who want the rest of us to be afraid. History shows that every democracy that has crumbled did so in...

How My Father, Ronald Reagan, Grappled With Abortion

Even as his beliefs on abortion shaped global policy, he was never entirely at peace with the issue.
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