Natasha Frost

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  • Natasha Frost


Dozens Killed in Papua New Guinea After Clashes Between Tribes

The bloodshed in Enga Province, which has been plagued by violence between tribal groups, left at least 53 people dead, the official said.

Jacinda Ardern, Former New Zealand Prime Minister, Is Married

New Zealand’s pathbreaking former prime minister became a global celebrity noted for, among other things, a very long engagement.

Bill Granger, Chef Who Brought Avocado Toast to the World, Dies at 54

His breakfast cuisine catapulted Australian cafe culture to international acclaim, although some saw his best-known dish as an example of millennial excess.

Stateless People in Australia Freed From Detention, but Still Unfree

An Australian high court allowed the release of dozens of detained people who are now subject to curfews and monitored by the government with ankle...

In Rightward Shift, New Zealand Reconsiders Pro-Maori Policies

The nation has long been lauded for trying to do right by its Indigenous people, but a new government may force a reckoning of Māori...

A World Map With No National Borders and 1,642 Animals

Anton Thomas, a New Zealander in Melbourne, Australia, has given three years of his life to a hand-drawn map of our planet and its animal...

In New Zealand, Maori Wardens Take a Different Approach to Crime

The strategies used by the Indigenous community policing alternative are in stark contrast to more muscular tactics pitched by the incoming government.

Australia Offers Climate Refuge to Tuvalu Citizens, but Not All

Low-lying Tuvalu has reached a deal with its large Pacific neighbor to address the challenge of rising oceans, but it is not planning to pack...

New Zealand Defeats Ardern’s Party, Electing Conservative Coalition

The rightward shift came as voters punished the party once led by Jacinda Ardern for failing to deliver the transformational change that it had promised.

The Aboriginal Australians Leading the Opposition to the Voice

Two female Aboriginal lawmakers with very different political views are campaigning against the proposal to create an advisory body on Indigenous issues.
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