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20 Years On, a Question Lingers About Iraq: Why Did the U.S. Invade?

Two decades after the Bush administration said it wanted to disarm weapons of mass destruction and free Iraqis, the debates rages on about who knew...

Which Leaders Resign, Like Jacinda Ardern? Often, the System Decides.

In parliamentary systems like New Zealand’s, it is the norm for leaders to step down when doing so may serve their party’s electoral prospects. In...

What 70 Years of War Can Tell Us About the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Despite some postmodern features, the fighting resembles a type of conflict from decades past: wars fought between nations in which one does not conquer the...

What 70 Years of War Can Tell Us About the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Despite some postmodern features, the fighting resembles a type of conflict from decades past: wars fought between nations in which one does not conquer the...

Putin’s Efforts to Divide the West Over Ukraine Fall Flat

A cease-fire proposal seemingly aimed at splintering Western unity has instead been met with Western escalation, underscoring Moscow’s diplomatic struggles.

In Hostage Diplomacy, It’s Often the Hostage-Takers Who Pay

Detaining foreigners to wring concessions from their home country’s government holds perils for both sides, but especially, perhaps surprisingly, for the hostage takers.

The Long Odds Facing China’s Protesters

Popular protests are more easily begun than ever before, but they are more likely to dissipate, too.

Troubled Loner? Political Terrorist? Both? It’s Often Hard to Say

The attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband has raised questions about the role of demonizing political speech in violent acts, not for the first time.

How Political Primaries Drive Britain’s Dysfunction

In the United States, too, the rise of inside-party primaries has empowered candidates at the extremes, and the result is likely to be a greater...

Bombing Kyiv Into Submission? History Says It Won’t Work.

Even though it creates misery and loss, the methodical bombing of civilian centers has more often been shown to rally support for resistance.
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