Margaret Roach

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  • Margaret Roach


How to Read the Tree Leaves

A little knowledge of botany can be helpful, even if you’re an amateur gardener. Here are a few things you should know about what happens...

What’s That Oddball Conifer? A Japanese Umbrella Pine.

It may be called a pine, but it isn’t a member of the pine family. And no, those lustrous, oversized needles aren’t plastic.

Trying to Control Leafminers? Don’t Bother.

Don’t jump to the conclusion that those mysterious marks are evidence of disease. They may be leaf mines or galls — and that’s a good...

It’s Time to Slow Down and Appreciate Nature’s Tiny Marvels

Grab your iPhone: Andrew Brand wants to show you a side of your garden that you’ve never seen before (and how to photograph it).

Yes, You Can Do Better Than the Great American Lawn

There are any number of ecologically friendly alternatives to that lawn you’re so proud of — and they look nice, too. Here’s how to start...

Why Boxwood, a Perennial Favorite, Needs a New Approach

Nothing brings a sense of formality to a garden like boxwood. But thanks to common gardening practices, it’s vulnerable to disease.

Why Trillium Have Become the Poster Child for Endangered Native Plants

According to a recent report, many of these ‘charismatic’ wildflowers are threatened with extinction. Here’s what you can do to help.

Why Your Garden Needs Mulch (Assuming You Do It Right)

Used correctly, mulch builds and improves your soil like nothing else. But don’t make these common mistakes.

Why You Should Plant a Garden That’s Wasp Friendly

Those wasps you hate? They’re the best organic pest control around. Here’s how to keep them happy (and avoid getting stung).

Why ‘Birding With a Purpose’ Is What You Should Do This Spring

Every 20 years, New York collects vital information about birds. And gardeners have an important role to play.
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