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China’s Communist Party Congress: What It Means for Business

The opening speech by Xi Jinping, the country’s top leader, could provide clues to policies with broad economic and financial implications. A new leadership team...

China Is the Wild Card in the Energy War With Russia

Slower growth in China has braked the rise in world energy prices and Russian riches, but Beijing has also stepped up its purchases of Russian...

In Global Slowdown, China Holds Sway Over Countries’ Fates

The lender of choice for many nations over the past decade, Beijing now has the power to cut them off, lend more or forgive some...

In Central Asia’s ‘Great Game,’ China Seeks the Advantage

Xi Jinping’s visit to Central Asia this week sheds a light on his country’s efforts to increase its sway in the vast, resource-rich region once...

Twilight of Entrepreneurs in China as More Leave the Country

Two of China’s best-known entrepreneurs, Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin, stepped down from their top jobs at the real estate development company they built.

Strong Earthquake Shakes Southwestern China

State media said at least 21 people were killed, but communications in the landslide-prone area were disrupted and the full damage was unclear.

China Is the Next Worry as Food Prices Soar

Ukraine’s wheat exports have been mostly halted since Russia’s invasion, while drought has damaged crops in India and the United States. China’s upcoming harvest is...

China’s Covid Policies Have European Companies Wary of Investing

Lockdowns and supply chain issues have soured European businesses in China on the idea of further investment in the country, a survey finds.

Russia Wants to Sell More Energy to Asia, but Has to Slash Prices

Russia wants to sell more oil and coal to China and India, but Western sanctions may make that hard unless Russia offers deep discounts on...