Kashmir Hill

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  • Kashmir Hill


Lawyers Barred by Madison Square Garden Found a Way Back In

MSG Entertainment resorted to facial recognition technology to kick out legal foes, but some have undermined the ban using a law passed to protect theater...

Your Memories. Their Cloud.

Google, Apple and Meta offer near-limitless digital basements in which to store photos, videos and important documents, but you should keep a copy of what...

24 Hours in the Metaverse Version of Facebook Was Surprisingly Fun

Every hour of the day and night with the gamers, parents, insomniacs, preteens and aspiring comedians who are the earliest adopters of the immersive, three-dimensional...

This Surveillance Artist Knows How You Got That Perfect Instagram Photo

A tech-savvy artist unearthed video footage of people working hard to capture the perfect shot for Instagram. It is a lesson in the artifice of...

Clearview AI, Used by Police to Find Criminals, Now in Public Defenders’ Hands

After a Florida man was accused of vehicular homicide, his lawyer used Clearview AI’s facial recognition software to prove his innocence. But other defense lawyers...

A Dad Took Photos of His Naked Toddler for the Doctor. Google Flagged Him as a Criminal.

Google has an automated tool to detect abusive images of children. But the system can get it wrong, and the consequences are serious.

Deleting Your Period Tracker Won’t Protect You

Tweets telling women to do that went viral after Roe v. Wade was overturned, but experts say other digital data are more likely to reveal...

Microsoft Plans to Eliminate Face Analysis Tools in Push for ‘Responsible A.I.’

The technology giant will stop offering automated tools that predict a person’s gender, age and emotional state and will restrict the use of its facial...

Accused of Cheating by an Algorithm, and a Professor She Had Never Met

An unsettling glimpse at the digitization of education.

A Face Search Engine Anyone Can Use Is Alarmingly Accurate

PimEyes is a paid service that finds photos of a person from across the internet, including some the person may not want exposed. “We’re just...
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