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Across the Echo Chamber, a Quiet Conversation About War and Race

When two acquaintances in Atlanta sat down to find common ground on the Israel-Hamas war, they found themselves in a painful conversation about race, power...

From a G.O.P. Stronghold, Debate Watchers Cheered Signs of a Post-Trump Era

A debate watch party at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library drew traditional Republicans pining for the policy debates of the past. They left happy.

Questions for Republican Debate: What Readers Want to Learn

More than 850 readers sent us their questions for the Republican candidates. Donald Trump was a hot topic, but not the only: “I don’t want...

Mimicking Trump, G.O.P. Contenders Feed Voter Distrust in Institutions

As Donald J. Trump has escalated his attacks on the justice system and the “deep state,” his competitors for the Republican nomination have followed his...

Hispanic Evangelical Leaders Ask: Trump or DeSantis?

In Florida, where Hispanic evangelicals carry outsize influence, many of their pastors view the budding 2024 rivalry as a sign of the potency of their...

Lombardo Ousts Sisolak in Nevada Governor’s Race

Joseph Lombardo, the Clark County sheriff, ran as a law-and-order Republican who would focus on reducing regulations.

Family Ties. Political Divisions.

For Carolyn Broe and her family, the 2022 midterms have unfolded the way they have for countless others: with great bitterness and turbulence.

How to Watch Arizona Senate Debate With Kelly and Masters Tonight

The debate, set for 9 p.m. Eastern time, will be the first and likely only one to take place in this closely watched Senate contest....

Pushing an Immigration Conspiracy Theory, While Courting Latinos

Blake Masters, a top candidate in Arizona’s Republican primary for the Senate, has accused Democrats of plotting to “import” new voters. That poses a challenge...

Pushing an Immigration Conspiracy Theory, While Courting Latinos

Blake Masters, a top candidate in Arizona’s Republican primary for the Senate, has accused Democrats of plotting to “import” new voters. That poses a challenge...
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