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Glacier Tragedy Shows Reach of Europe’s New Heat

A collapse at the top of one of Italy’s tallest peaks offered the latest evidence of the deadly threat posed by rising temperatures.

For Pope Francis, a Papacy Complicated by the Shadow of Resignation

Benedict’s exit changed expectations that the papacy would always be a lifetime assignment, fueling speculation the current pope has tried to push away.

Deep in Vatican Archives, Scholar Discovers ‘Flabbergasting’ Secrets

David Kertzer has spent decades excavating the Vatican’s hidden history, with his work winning a Pulitzer and capturing Hollywood’s attention. A new book examines Pope...

The Russian Orthodox Leader at the Core of Putin’s Ambitions

Patriarch Kirill I has provided spiritual cover for the invasion of Ukraine, reaping vast resources for his church in return. Now, in an extraordinary step,...

Sanctions Shed Light on Putin’s Private Life

As Western nations place sanctions on people close to the Russian leader, including family members, the strict secrecy surrounding his private life is being punctured.

Pope Francis Alludes to Putin’s Role in War on Ukraine

Francis’ remarks during a trip to Malta were the closest he has come to pinning the war in Ukraine on President Vladimir V. Putin of...

Living With Gusto Despite a Rare, Fatal Disease, and Hunting for Answers

At 26, Sammy Basso is believed to be the oldest person with the disease Progeria. And now he’s researching it, hoping to find a treatment...

Pope Francis Issues New Vatican Constitution

The document stipulates that baptized lay Catholics, including women, can lead departments and increases institutional efforts to protect minors.

Send in the Bugs. The Michelangelos Need Cleaning.

Last fall, with the Medici Chapel in Florence operating on reduced hours because of Covid-19, scientists and restorers completed a secret experiment: They unleashed grime-eating...
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