Jancee Dunn
Day 3: Small Talk Has Big Benefits
Regular exchanges with your “weak ties” will bring you more happiness.
Day 2: The Secret Power of the 8-Minute Phone Call
Even a brief chat has measurable effects on our well-being.
20 Witty and Wise Pieces of Advice for 2023
Leave the past behind, walk toward the monster and always notice loneliness.
Need to Defuse Family Squabbles? Learn From an FBI Crisis Negotiator.
He uses seven skills for active listening in high-pressure situations, and they can help you communicate better, too.
What Was the Best Advice You Received in 2022?
The Well desk is compiling tips from readers so everyone can ring in the new year feeling a little more uplifted.
Why You Should Record a Family Member’s Voice This Holiday Season
You can create an audio time capsule with anyone you love.
How to Fend Off Holiday Stress, from People Who Should Know
A UPS driver, a baker and Santa’s helper share advice for staying present through the season.
How to Handle Returning to the Office
The gossip, the loud talker and the nosy colleague are all manageable with the right mind-set.
Your Cheatin’ Wallet
How to recognize financial infidelity and stop it from eroding your family’s trust.