Erika Solomon

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  • Erika Solomon


Germany Restricts Pro-Palestinian Protests Amid Israel-Hamas War

The country’s authorities have banned many protests in the name of fighting antisemitism. Critics say such restrictions are discriminatory.

As Germany’s Business Model Wobbles, Firms Reassess Reliance on China

Geopolitical risks involving Russia and China have exposed long-ignored strains on Germany’s socioeconomic model. The family businesses underpinning its economy are seeking a new path.

German Defense Minister Vows Stronger Geopolitical Role Ahead of U.S. Visit

In an interview before his first official trip to Washington, Boris Pistorius made clear he is intent on helping the United States by taking a...

Germany’s Far Right AfD Party Stages a Comeback

With Germans facing an era of political and economic turbulence, the Alternative for Germany is resurgent. Mainstream politicians are struggling to respond.

Meet the New Mayor: How a Refugee Won Over a Conservative German Town

The election of Ryyan Alshebl, a young man who fled Syria, offers surprising lessons for a Germany wrestling with its multicultural identity after an influx...

Berlin Confronts Russian Spies Hiding in Plain Sight

For years, Germany seemed to tolerate even flagrant Russian operations on its soil. But a new Cold War-like chill has now made the snooping difficult...

Germany Names Panel to Investigate 1972 Munich Olympics Attack

The commission’s creation stems in part from an agreement made last year to reassess German failures in handling the attack by Palestinian militants, which killed...

Nord Stream Whodunit Deepens as Shreds of Evidence Emerge

Intelligence leaks surrounding the sabotage of the pipelines have provided more questions than answers. It may be in no one’s interest to reveal more.

War in Ukraine Puts Centuries of Swiss Neutrality to the Test

The Alpine state makes arms that Western allies want to send to Kyiv. Swiss law bans this, driving a national debate about whether its concept...

Germany’s Scholz Visits Washington Amid Worries Over Ukraine War

Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives Friday for a quiet working visit with President Biden, sparking speculation that they will discuss tough questions on how to end...
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