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Why Anonymous Sperm Donation Is Over, and Why That Matters

Activists are trying to end secrecy for sperm and egg donors — a campaign that troubles some L.G.B.T.Q. families.

Voting on Abortion

A preview of an upcoming vote on abortion access in Ohio.

The Surprising Places Where Abortion Rights Are on the Ballot, and Winning

After Dobbs, the political ground seems to be shifting in some unpredictable ways.

Israeli Court Ruling May Determine Democracy’s Fate

From Hungary to India to Brazil, how judges responded to attacks on their independence helped decide whether would-be autocrats prevailed in constraining the courts.

How Israel’s Supreme Court Might React to the Challenge to Its Power

The court could strike down the law passed on Monday that seeks to curb its power. Or it might narrowly interpret it. Or it might...

How the Comstock Act Law Is Key to the Abortion Fight

The Comstock Act, named for a public-morals crusader on a mission to “sanitize” the U.S. in the 1870s, makes a comeback in the abortion-pill battle.

Husband Sued Over His Ex-Wife’s Abortion; Now Her Friends Are Suing Him

A Texas man says text messages on his ex-wife’s phone show the women helped her obtain an abortion. The women say he invaded their privacy.

How Much Power Should the Courts Have?

In Israel, the United States and other democracies, bitter battles are being waged over the same question.

The Response to Crime

Republican lawmakers are putting limits on progressive prosecutors.

Netanyahu Opponents Used Dangers of ‘Reform’ by Autocrats to Sound Alarm

Pointing to examples of what happened after leaders elsewhere brought judiciaries to heel has helped mobilize Israelis in protest.
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