The Doomsday Clock Keeps Ticking
Are humans the only beings in the universe confronting global self-destruction? Or just the last ones standing?
Galaxies in the Early Universe Were Shaped Like Bananas, Study Suggests
Images from the Webb telescope suggest that newborn galaxies look weirder than expected. Exactly how screwy was physics at the dawn of time?
How to Create a Black Hole Out of Thin Air
Black holes were thought to arise from the collapse of dead stars. But a Webb telescope image showing the early universe hints at an alternative...
Exactly How Much Life is on Earth?
According to a new study, living cells outnumber stars in the universe, highlighting the deep, underrated link between geophysics and biology.
The Big Nobel Prize Winners Were Short and Fast
The awards for physics and chemistry were a reminder that the most important processes in nature unfold on a scale divorced from everyday human affairs.
Christopher Nolan on J. Robert Oppenheimer and His Contradictions
The biopic director argues that the physicist who oversaw creation of the atomic bomb was both the most important person who ever lived and hopelessly...
The Biggest Explosion in the Cosmos Just Keeps Going
For three years, telescopes have monitored “one of the most luminous” events ever: a supermassive black hole consuming a gigantic cloud of interstellar gas.
Who Will Have the Last Word on the Universe?
Modern science suggests that we and all our achievements and memories are destined to vanish like a dream. Is that sad or good?
From Bullets to ‘Bird Residue,’ the Many Trials of Telescopes
Before an observatory can plumb the secrets of the cosmos, it must navigate more humbling challenges.
Oumuamua Was a Comet After All, a Study Suggests
Astronomers offer “a surprisingly simple explanation” for the curious behavior of the interstellar visitor in 2017.