David Firestone
When a Governor Escapes Gunfire
Even a joyful public event can now be an occasion for a shooting.
Greg Abbott’s Ridiculously Unconstitutional Immigration Fight
By taking over the federal role in immigration enforcement, Governor Abbott of Texas is welcoming a legal fight with the Biden administration.
House Speaker Mike Johnson Is Not a Serious Person
Mike Johnson is playing a game with the world when the world needs American leadership.
Biden’s Unspoken Message in Israel
President Biden’s presence in Israel — and the message it sent — was more important than any tangible goals he achieved.
The Abysmal Choices for House Speaker
The two candidates for the job are focused on exerting political leverage against Democrats, but they misunderstand the nature of power.
Against the Wall, McCarthy Does the Right Thing
At the last possible moment, Kevin McCarthy earned some credit for keeping the government open. But not a lot of credit.
Raising a Hand for the Man in the Mug Shot
What it means when six Republican candidates think it would be fine to have a convicted criminal as president.
The Georgia Indictment Speaks to History
The story told by Fani Willis is a much broader tale of treachery and deceit than the federal indictment, a lucid timeline for history’s sake.
Why Ron DeSantis Isn’t Beating Donald Trump
Ron DeSantis is selling the wrong message to Republicans, but he’s too deep in his bubble to realize it.
A Handy Guide to the Republican Definition of a Crime
The party of law and order has given new meaning to “law and order.”