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Killing of Top Qaeda Leader Offers Lessons on U.S. Afghanistan Involvement

The American drone strike is a symbol of success but also of failures in nation building.

As Congress Debated Landmark China Bill, Beijing Surged Ahead

Experts are still assessing how China apparently leapfrogged ahead in its effort to manufacture a semiconductor that rivals those made in Taiwan, which supplies both...

Shinzo Abe’s Influence Was Still Evident Long After He Left Office

Japan’s longest-serving prime minister became perhaps the most transformational politician in the country’s post-World War II history.

A New Task for Biden: Readying Allies for a Long Conflict in Ukraine

In March, talk of victory was in the air. Now, maintaining unity against President Vladimir V. Putin is looking harder, with President Biden heading to...

Biden Seeks Swift Effort to Bring Finland and Sweden Into NATO

Speedy approval seems likely among most members of the alliance in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but Turkey’s objections remain a sticking point.

Biden Administration Lifting Some Trump-Era Restrictions on Cuba

The changes include an expansion of flights to the country and the restarting of a family reunification program.

U.S. Embraces Finland’s Move Toward NATO Membership. What About Ukraine?

Ukraine has been considered too long on corruption and too short on democratic institutions to make membership likely for years, if not decades, to come.

Behind Austin’s Call for a ‘Weakened’ Russia, Hints of a Shift

The United States is edging toward a dynamic that pits Washington more directly against Moscow, and one that U.S. officials see as likely to play...

Russia’s Missile Test Fuels U.S. Fears of an Isolated Putin

American and foreign leaders have been weighing whether their success in making Russia a diplomatic pariah could push President Vladimir V. Putin to strike in...
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