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Why Some Parents Give Their Children a Last Name Other Than the Father’s

Some American parents have been breaking the patrilineal tradition for generations, but the number who do so remains small.

The ‘Silver Lining to the Pandemic’ for Working Mothers

The share of women working has reached a record high, with the biggest increases among mothers of children under 5.

Claudia Goldin’s Nobel-Winning Research Shows ‘Why Women Won’

The winner of the Nobel in economics has demonstrated how gender gaps in work have shrunk, and why some remain.

A Tradition Going Strong: Brides Who Take Their Husbands’ Name

The women least likely to do so tend to be liberal or highly educated or Hispanic, new data shows.

Everyone Says Social Media Is Bad for Teens. Proving It Is Another Thing.

Parents, scientists and the surgeon general are worried. But there isn’t even a shared definition of what social media is.

For One Group of Teenagers, Social Media Seems a Clear Net Benefit

Despite the surgeon general’s warning about its risks for youth in general, researchers and teenagers say it can be a “lifeline” for L.G.B.T.Q. youth.

More U.S. Women Are Avoiding Unwanted or Mistimed Pregnancies

But a growing share of women over 35 say their pregnancies are coming later than they want, a new analysis found.

Fathers Gained Family Time in the Pandemic. Many Don’t Want to Give It Back.

A substantial share of fathers who took on more domestic work during lockdowns have kept it up, new data shows, and rearranged their work lives...

Spending on Children Surged During the Pandemic. It Didn’t Last.

As programs expire, federal spending is returning to prior levels: $1 for every $6 spent on older adults.

Working Mothers, Punished by Pandemic, Mostly Kept Working

When it came to who lost jobs, education mattered much more than gender, a broad new analysis found.