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Boeing’s 737 Max 9 and the Alaska Airline Grounding: What to Know

Boeing faced new safety questions after an Alaska Airlines jet made an emergency landing when a hole opened in its fuselage in midair.

German Spy Official Goes on Trial Accused of Selling Secrets to Russia

The trial, held under stringent security conditions and expected to last months, caps one of the gravest espionage scandals in recent German history.

Germany’s Much-Vaunted Strategic Pivot Stalls

In the days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised to revitalize Germany’s military. Nearly two years on, major change has yet to...

Donors Give Over €300,000 for Immigrant Who Intervened in Dublin Stabbing

A Brazilian man stopped a stabbing that prompted one of the worst anti-immigrant riots in recent history. Many people in Ireland and beyond are saying...

Armita Geravand, Iranian Teen Who Collapsed on Subway, Dies From Injuries

The death of Armita Geravand comes after word of her injuries fueled outrage because she was so young and because of previous cases in which...

Museum Worker Sold Paintings and Put Forgeries in Their Place

An in-house appraiser noticed something was awry when the canvas on his workbench did not match a catalog entry.

AfD Candidate Loses Race for Mayor in Nordhausen, Germany

Voters on Sunday rejected the candidate for the hard-line Alternative for Germany Party, which is rattling German national politics, in the race for mayor in...

Europe’s Boars Still Hold Radioactivity. What Surprised Scientists Is Why.

Some wild boar hunted in German forests have radiation levels that exceed the limit deemed safe for human consumption. New research suggests that it’s not...

An Obsolete German Tank Seeks a Second Life on Ukraine’s Front Lines

The Cold War-era Leopard 1A5 may be old, but it is still effective, Germany says. The country is now training Ukrainian troops to operate the...

Hailstorm in Germany Rips Through a Town, Damaging Buildings and Cars

An estimated 80 percent of buildings were damaged during a hailstorm in Bad Bayersoien, Germany.
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