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South Korea Halloween Deaths Were ‘Absolutely Avoidable’ Disaster, Experts Say

Days after the deaths of more than 150 young people, officials were still struggling to explain what exactly went wrong and who was to blame.

Survivor of Seoul Halloween Crowd Surge Describes Chaotic Scene

One teenager and her friend were engulfed by the crowd but managed to crawl out, were pulled into a tavern by adults, then escaped by...

Dozens of South Koreans Injured in Halloween Stampede

Images showed firefighters carrying what looked like bodies covered with white sheets on stretchers to ambulances in the popular Itaewon neighborhood in Seoul.

South Korea Gets Squeezed Between the US and China

The intensifying rivalry between Washington and Beijing is causing jitters in South Korea, where security ties and economic priorities are not always aligned.

North Korea Tests a Missile and Flies Warplanes Near Border With South

South Korea dispatched its own warplanes in a show of force as the North appeared intent on keeping tensions high on the Korean Peninsula.

In South Korea, President Yoon Treads Fine Line Between U.S. and China

Yoon Suk-yeol has aligned his country more closely with the United States, but there are limits to how far he can go without angering China...

Kim Jong-un Says North Korea Will ‘Never Give Up’ Its Nuclear Weapons

The law authorizes a nuclear strike if an enemy tries to remove Kim Jong-un from power, the North’s state media reported.

​Decades After a ‘Living Hell,’ Korean Victims​ Win a Step Toward Redress

Brothers Home was supposed to help get people off the streets, but a government commission has confirmed its role in detentions and other abuses was...

Japanese Photographer Blows Whistle on Treatment of ‘Comfort Women’

While Tsukasa Yajima has won praise for exposing problems at South Korea’s best-known shelter for former sex slaves, he has also been the focus of...
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