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Tucker Carlson, ‘White Men’ and the Lynch Mob Mentality

What the cable host could ‘taste’ in the heat of the moment was the power to assign death.

Biden’s Highest Hurdle Isn’t Age, It’s Passion

Biden has to demonstrate more fight for more progressive policies.

The Harry Belafonte Speech That Changed My Life

Belafonte asked, “Where are the radical thinkers?” His question kept repeating in my head.

I Want to Be the Old Man With the Orange Socks

I’ve often been delighted by how older men lean into sartorial whimsy when they exit workplace life.

What Are Biden’s 2024 Chances? I Asked These Democratic Campaign Veterans.

Veteran campaign managers worry about Biden’s age and the country’s polarization.

Tennessee Republicans Exposed Their Authoritarian Streak

Their lust for vengeance and opprobrium not only failed — itbackfired.

Trump, the Incredible Shrinking Defendant

The former president’s post-arraignment speech at Mar-a-Lago reinforced just how stale he’s become.

A Florida School Banned a Disney Movie About Ruby Bridges. Here’s What That Really Means.

The state’s crusading censors are choosing the comfort of ignorance over the inconvenience of truth.

What Did We Learn From Trump’s Waco Rally? He’s Stuck in the Past.

Trump is still fighting old battles. But Republicans have moved on to their own war, a new war, a culture war.

Trump May Face Prosecution. America Faces a Test.

We are called to endure what I call the inconvenience of the necessary, a point at which something is morally right, but the political timing...
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