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We Are Political Hostages

For most people, “freedom of choice” in elections is an illusion. We are captives of the two-party system.

Show the Carnage

Would images from mass shootings shock the country out of its morbid malaise and into action to address the public health crisis guns have created?

Abortion, Like Prohibition, Has a Clear Racial Dimension

How long before this unpopular repression also loses favor and falls into decline?

Women Will Save Us

In the face of recent threats to the country, women have stepped up more than men.

Conservatives Are Attempting a Broad Attack on Gay Rights and Culture

Conservatives are launching a broad attack on gay rights and gay culture.

How to Celebrate Juneteenth

My wish is that people remember to be reverent during Juneteenth, that they not only celebrate it but also educate themselves about its roots.

Normalizing Mass Hysteria

We are now living in an age of political mass hysteria led by Donald Trump’s election lies.

Trump Is Still a Threat

The Jan. 6 committee hearings show how deeply Trump has altered our country.

America’s ‘Psychic Numbing’ to Gun Violence

Americans have become overwhelmed by the scale of so much death and convinced that there is little they can do to change it.

My Times: Career Advice From a Career in the Trenches

Thirty years ago, I arrived at The Times as an intern. This is what I’ve learned.
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