Blake Hounshell

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  • Blake Hounshell


Republican ‘Chaos’ in Pennsylvania Threatens to Upend the Midterms

The G.O.P. thought it had 2022 all figured out. Then along came Kathy Barnette and Doug Mastriano.

Fox News Hosts Splinter as Chaotic Pennsylvania Primaries Heat Up

The rise of Kathy Barnette in the state’s G.O.P. Senate race has divided the network’s stars, with some backing her and others going on the...

Can Trump Get Bo Hines, a 26-Year-Old Political Novice, Elected to Congress?

Bo Hines, a leading candidate in a Republican House primary next week in North Carolina, has little political experience but holds major campaign advantages, including...

How Democrats Want to Put Republicans on the Defensive on Abortion

While conservatives control the courts and key states, the public tends to lean in favor of abortion rights. Democratic leaders are trying to translate that...

Senator Ben Ray Luján’s Stroke, and His Recovery for a Supreme Court Vote

Senator Ben Ray Luján’s recovery was “miraculous,” the New Mexico Democrat said in one of his first interviews since his health scare early this year.

Democrats Aim to Use Abortion Rights to Jolt Midterm Elections

A party group has circled a handful of states where Democrats hope to hold or flip control. The draft ruling on Roe v. Wade “has...

Is American Democracy Built to Last?

Yascha Mounk’s new book questions deeply held beliefs about the stability of Western societies.

Republican Primaries in May Will Test Trump’s Continued Pull

The upcoming Republican primaries are a critical test of the former president’s grip on the G.O.P. Here are the key races to watch.

Mallory McMorrow Goes on Offense After a Smear

Mallory McMorrow’s viral speech attacking what she called Republicans’ “hollow, hateful scheme” against L.G.T.B.Q. rights has made her an instant hero on the left.

Democrats and the 2022 Midterms: ‘It’s Going to Be a Terrible Cycle’

Strategists and pollsters are increasingly talking about limiting the party’s expected losses in November rather than how to gain new seats.
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