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Love and Loss Through the Photographer’s Lens

“Love Songs: Photography and Intimacy” at ICP reveals the camera’s limitations as well as strengths when it comes to depicting romance.

‘The Pictures Are Miracles’: How Judith Joy Ross Finds Pain and Nobility in Portraits

With a retrospective in Philadelphia, the artist is still seeking to capture a mysterious moment with a stranger.

Filmmaker Joel Coen Puts His Spin on the Photos of Lee Friedlander

Working in his California home 3,000 miles away during Covid, the director struck a sympathetic chord with the venerated photographer. A book and two gallery...

How Ralph Ellison’s World Became Visible

Before he became a writer, Ralph Ellison was an emerging photographer. Rarely-seen documentary images, gathered in a forthcoming book, reveal his lifelong engagement with the...

Jimmy DeSana, Downtown Pioneer and Provocateur, Goes Mainstream

The photographer moved effortlessly between scenes: No Wave music, performance, queer subcultures, downtown nightlife, the Pictures Generation and mail art.

How Rollerblading Propelled Maxwell Alexandre’s Art Career

An Afro-Brazilian artist from a Rio favela is having his U.S. debut at the Shed this week.

Has War Changed, or Only War Photography?

In the decades between Robert Capa and Lynsey Addario, our image of battle lost its aura of nobility.

Donna Ferrato’s Camera Is a Weapon for Women

Best known for unmasking domestic violence, the pathbreaking photojournalist has a show timed to coincide with the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Jamel Shabazz: Proud Street Culture on Display

He chronicled the fashion shifts of stylish young Black New Yorkers in the 1980s and ’90s in photographs celebrated at the Bronx Museum of the...

A Lover’s Impact on David Wojnarowicz, for All to See

A show at PPOW gallery explores the artist and author’s first significant relationship, with Jean Pierre Delage, which liberated him emotionally and changed him artistically.
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